What is a GPS Tracking Solution?

GPS (Global Positioning System) determine the position of a vehicle by using a tracking device.
The Trace School Bus solution records precise locations at regular intervals. The GPS tracks the students and the buses positions during their journey to and from school. With Trace School Bus, school authorities can easily ensure students safety, anticipate buses delays while keeping parents informed at any moment.

What are GPS & RFID Tracking Solution?

Along with GPS, a Radio Frequency Identifier (RFID) has been inserted to make the system more pertinent and secure.
With the GPS & RFID Tracking Solution, school authorities can locate their drivers and their students in and out of the school premises to keep the children safe.
Each student and staff member receive RFID enabled ID cards which need to be swiped while boarding and leaving the school bus. Once the card is scanned, parents get alerts via SMS.
Anytime, anywhere you can locate the students and your staff.

How do parents get notified?

Through a specific application, notifications in the form of SMS reach parents in real-time regarding their children's school bus location.

What kind of internet connection is needed to access the application?

It’s good to have internet connection on Smart or IOS Phone. Parents can take advantage of the Mobile App by tracking, in real-time, their children's movements in the school bus. If you don’t have Smart or IOS Phone, even then you will get notified by SMS.

Is the data shared with us for GPS & RFID Tracking Solution safe ?

Yes, all the confidential data shared, such as contact details or student details, are secure.